Author Archives: a72b9530_admin

Graham Family Law > Articles by: a72b9530_admin
Do I need a Prenuptial Agreement?

Submitted by Jamie Graham

We are getting married, but he asked me for a prenuptial agreement, do we need one? A prenuptial agreement (“prenup”)…

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My Spouse Just Asked for a Divorce – What do I do now?

Submitted by Jamie Graham

Check County Filing - The first step is to try to find out if a divorce suit has been filed…

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Do I Need a Temporary Protective Order During My Divorce?

Submitted by Jamie Graham

A temporary protective order is a profoundly serious action to take in a divorce and it is important to be…

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My spouse is hiding money and assets – but where?

Submitted by Jamie Graham

During a marriage there are many ways that a couple may decide to handle their finances and maintain control of…

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Ready to File for Divorce? Now what?

Submitted by Jamie Graham

Every divorce is different in that there are many different scenarios. Some include children, community property, separate property and some…

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Retirement Accounts and the Divorce process

Submitted by Jamie Graham

Getting an attorney that understands retirement accounts and the division of them is one of the most important things in…

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Why People Stay in a Bad Marriage

Submitted by Jamie Graham

One of the most common reasons that couples remain in a bad marriage is the falsely perceived notion that divorce…

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Enforcing Texas Family Court Orders

Submitted by Jamie Graham

How To Compel Parties To Live Up To Their Obligations Having a family court order in place doesn’t do a…

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Shelter at Home and Domestic Violence the Worst Case Scenario

Submitted by Jamie Graham

You Are Not Alone - Get Our Team On Your Side The world is still adjusting to the “new normal”…

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Co-Parenting in the Age of Coronavirus

Submitted by Jamie Graham

As Covid-19 spreads throughout the United States, life has changed so rapidly and in so many ways that a lot…

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